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Dungeons and Hero update…

This one has taken me a while to write.  It’s more complex than originally thought, and I’m still discovering it… but here goes.

With one of the latest updates, we got Hero’s and we got Dungeons.  (Wow, way to re-state everything you’ve typed again)… let’s start by going over the basics of Hero’s.

You can beeee my Hero….

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So this is my Hero, there are many like him, but this one is mine…

So the Hero adds basic additions to your team.  You upgrade your hero through running dungeons, getting ‘Constellation Tokens’ that are received in 1 of 3 categories, by trading in Ether (that you get from beating waypoints in the Dungeon).

Let’s not get too far into that yet, but speak more of Hero’s.

Hero’s get Relic’s.  The Relics are all on the right side of the screen shot above.  Here is a list of currently available relics and what they do (We’ll get more into how to get them below, in the upgrading your hero section).


The benefits of each?  Note any relics with a * are a MAIN relic.  You cannot equip more than one of these at a time.

*Jar of Acid: Reduces your enemies Physical and Magic armor to 0, for the opponents WARRIORS ONLY.  This is your basic one.  It’s the one you start with.  I don’t use it.

*Mask of the Quiet:  This one silences mages.  It’s pretty useful in PVP/Arena.  I don’t use it in the dungeon, though some people do. It can be very useful when used properly.

*Sunbeam: This one blinds archers, causing them to miss.  This is good for PVP/Arena, especially if you’re going against an archer team.

*Book of the Wind: This reduces all enemy fighters spell power and reduces their hit chance.  It’s good for PVP/Arena.  I don’t use it in dungeon.

Banner of Souls: Gives you more Dark Souls.  Useless anywhere except in portal.

Banner of Glory: Gives you more glory.  Only good for fights you get glory in (PVP, Arena).

*Corpse Kaboom: Makes corpses explode for 6k damage, damaging the corpses around.  This is good for PVP/Arena.  Especially good if you get a mob spawning boss in the dungeon.

Banner of Courage: Give your more Arena Badges (Aka Badges of Courage). Only useful in Arena.

Ace up the Sleeve: Enhances damage caused by allied fighters by 250 for each enemy they kill.  This is a good one, for obvious reasons.  Useful in longer fights, that have multiple waves of enemies.

*Ankh: Resurrects all allies with 5% of their maximum health.  I love Ankh, I personally use it always.  It’s really helpful in fights where you need longevity, as it will keep reviving your guys, and if you have rez mages paired with it, then they can revive others once they go down again, due to 5% health only once revived.

Magic Signet Ring: Every spell used by an allied Mage increases the Spell Power of ALL allied mages by 100 until end of battle.  This one is awesome.  Pretty self explanatory.

Mithril Shackles: Enemies attacking allied warrior have a 5% chance to lose their weapon for 3 seconds.  Good for obvious reasons.

Upgrading your Hero/Getting More Relics

Ok. So when you start, your hero is kind of bleh.  He only has Jar of Acid, and you go to the constellation Tab, and you see 3 pages.. Warrior Constellation, Mage Constellation and Archer Constellation.


Until you look through it, and upgrade a few.  This is going to look like a foreign language. Let me try and break it down a little better… using the Warrior Constellation as an example below..

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So, the things circled in ORANGE above are Relics.  To open these, you need certain requirements.  You need the amount of RELIC Fragments. (These are randomly earned from Boss Chests by defeating bosses in the dungeon). You need 3 relic fragments, plus the correct amount of Constellation Tokens (Which are Ether, from Dungeon fights, then traded in the store for specific tokens.. I’ll get into this more below.).

The things circled in BLUE are talents.  You need to open their associated Relic to use them.

When you open Relics, you open the talents that are off of them.  For Example, when I opened Ankh (By using 3 Ankh Relic Fragments + the required Warrior tokens) it opened Vampirism.  These talents are available, whenever your hero is in a fight with you, and are automatic.  You don’t need to do anything.  But to get Vampirism (Below) Ankh needed to be unlocked.

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Here’s an example of me not having Corpse Kaboom, and hence, not able to unlock the talent…

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Here’s what it would cost to unlock:

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How do you get all the stuff needed to unlock these?  Well.. either from Diamonds converted in the store, or from doing the dungeon and using the store.

Dungeons… more like FUNgeons…

Ok, that was a bad pun.

So the Dungeon is where you Battle waypoints, and Bosses to get Ether and Boss treasure chests. You usually have 1-3 choices of where to go next. It’s setup similar to below.  One of the 2 people is randomly assigned to lead and you choose which path to take.

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The “Spikey” guys, are bosses.  You see this at the top of the screen.  Each of these waypoints will have different fighters.  It’s similar to previous events.  One might have a wave of 3, that total 1.4 million squad power.  The other might be one team that totals 1.4 million squad power.  The only thing to be wary of, is each point has battle hindrances.  Like Resurrect might  not be available, or Warriors might have 30% less health. (Here’s an example from a boss)

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And from a regular waypoint:

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This is a hint that Tanks/Assassins won’t hit the boss as much as archers/mages.

So each fight, each player gets to bring in 2-4 fighters, and one of your Heros.. it seems random.  But you choose 8 fighters to bring with you, then each fight you choose between 2 and 4 to deploy to defeat the enemy squad, and your partner does the same.  It’s important to work together.  If all their Rez mages die, make sure you try to cover for that.

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So, after enough of these waypoints, you’ll get to a boss fight.  I think there are around 12 bosses, you randomly will get 2.  SO choose your heros and the relic wisely going into it, as you can’t change it once in.

Every fight win, you get Ether.  Every boss fight win, you get a boss chest that contains constellation tokens.  If you use a torch (think arena ticket), and you beat a boss, you get an extra chest to unlock per boss beaten.

This stuff you win in here, is then taken to the Store.

The Dungeon Store

With your Ether (or diamonds) you head to the store inside the dungeon.  You can transform your Ether into specific constellation tokens..

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Or Relic Fragments:

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Or Ether Multipliers/Torches:
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Scrolls of Resurrection are available too, to help you beat a boss if needed (I haven’t used these yet).

Or you can use diamonds to purchase a revolving random fragment, or change diamonds to ether.

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Take your new tokens and relics, and go upgrade your Hero.


There will be another post soon on dungeon bosses, and tips.


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